Reporting & Assurance
We are committed to transparent and accountable for our ESG performance, by providing information that is reflective of responsible business practices.
Sustainability Reports
Environment, Social and Governance Metrics
The Star Entertainment Group prepares annual summaries of relevant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics for stakeholder reference. Annual ESG metrics summaries should be read in conjunction with the company’s Annual and Sustainability Report disclosures. The ESG metrics that have been provided are for the financial year unless another reporting period has been specified.
UN Global Compact Network
The Star is a participant in the UN Global Compact Network and is committed to aligning our operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
As part of our commitment, we report annually on our progress against these ten principles.
Global Reporting Initiative Reports
The Star aligns its environmental, social and corporate governance reporting and disclosures with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.
In line with The Star’s commitment to expanding sustainability disclosures annually, each year our GRI Index includes additional disclosures to progress the reporting level from the ‘Core’ level to ‘comprehensive’ overtime. A number of required disclosures have been detailed within the index itself. Where reference is made to other documents (for example, the Annual Report), we have included direct hyper-links to this information.
Modern Slavery
The Star is committed to promoting and supporting the rights of our team members, customers, and the communities in which we operate. We follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights (“UN Guiding Principles”) and expect that our suppliers share these commitments and values.
In addition to National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting, The Star obtains ‘Limited Assurance’ by EY each year across its energy and carbon emissions data providing additional rigour to its data collection and reporting processes.
The assurance opinion for each year can be found alongside the Basis of Preparation documents below which describe the boundary and scope of the assurance set forth.